Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture ServicesOur practice focuses on disease prevention and improving the quality of life of our patients. Our goal is to treat the patient and the root cause of the patients’ conditions and not just the symptoms.
Our services include a combination of natural medicines such as dietary therapy, herbal medicine (including minerals), cupping, gua sha, tui na, moxibustion, and acupuncture. These modalities in combination help maintain and restore optimal health and vitality. We are committed to our patient's safety and all herbal prescriptions are tailored according to the presenting sign and symptoms, pre-existing medical condition (s), the underlying root cause, and the patient’s general constitution. Please note that we are seeing patients by appointment only. |
For a detailed description of our different treatment modalities, please visit our 'services' section on the main menu, or watch our informative videos |
Now Offering Virtual Consultations |
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Unleashed Vitality Acupuncture DisclaimerUnleashed Vitality Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine content is provided for informational purposes, and it is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a primary health care provider. This website may contain brief information relating to commonly seen medical conditions and their general Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment. Such information is not meant to be a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified health care professional. Patients must not use the information contained herein for self diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with a doctor or a registered health care professional for up to date, personalized diagnosis and treatment. The content of Unleashed Vitality Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine website is gathered and shared from reputable sources; however, Unleashed Vitality Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine is not responsible for errors or omissions in the simplification or description of the content. No patients, including those under our active care, should use the information, resources, or tools contained within to self-diagnose or self-treat any medical condition. Unleashed Vitality Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine does not guarantee any results or the applicability of the website content. |