Unleashed Vitality Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
Unleashed Vitality Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine provides natural, less invasive therapies and complementary medicine services. We believe in the power of partnership. So our goal is to partner with our patients to strive for disease prevention and to improve their quality of life. At Unleashed Vitality Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine, we focus on treating the root cause of our patients’ conditions and not just the symptoms. Our holistic approach uses a combination of different therapy modalities such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietary therapy, cupping, and much more! Our aims are to maintain and restore optimal health and vitality. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has become well known for managing autoimmune disorders, the treatment of acute and chronic pain, digestive problems, stress management, immunity, mental, men's, and women’s health. Common conditions that may benefit from our services include: Sleep disturbances, autoimmune conditions (symptom management), headaches/migraines, dizziness, ear ringing, fatigue, transitioning into menopause, menstrual problems, fertility support treatments for both male and female, anxiety, depression, stress relief, digestive issues, acute and chronic pain, addiction rehabilitation support therapy, relaxation, and general well-being. |
Common conditions that may benefit from our services include: