Unleashed Vitality Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine Services - Addiction Rehabilitation Support2/7/2021 Ear acupuncture has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Just as this ancient healing art defines acupuncture points on the body for treatment of various conditions, similar points are defined on the ear. In the 1950's, Dr. Paul Nogier of Lyon, France expanded the original Chinese charts into a more comprehensive system. Dr. Nogier's work demonstrated the ear is actually a micro-map of the entire body (an inverted fetus), with all body parts represented. Thus, all parts of the body can be treated by means of the external ear. Proponents believe that auriculotherapy works because many of the nerve endings in the ear connect to hormonal parts of the brain and organs within the body.
Each spot on the ear is stimulated to treat specific problems. Not only does your acupuncturist know what to address when they do an auricular analysis, but they can directly target areas to treat various health conditions. Your practitioner will begin your treatment by inspecting points that may be related to your health condition. After these points have been located, they will be treated with various treatment methods such as acupuncture needles, ear seeds/pellets, or mild electrical stimulation. Electrical stimulation has the advantage of also providing electrical detection of active points for precise treatment. Ear acupuncture is used widely for pain control and addictions of all kinds. It has also been clinically proven to help with stress and anxiety, depression, PTSD, insomnia and so much more. Ear Acupuncture role as an adjunctive therapy for addiction rehabilitation support it´s especially linked to Withdrawal management (detox), because it helps people who are physically dependent on alcohol or other drugs safely withdraw from them. Withdrawal from alcohol and some prescription medications can be dangerous and even life threatening. A doctor should always supervise withdrawal. Withdrawal by itself is not treatment, but can be an important starting point. Like other chronic health conditions, addiction requires care and support, so it is critical that you seek help from a professional with skills and expertise in treating addiction. Acupuncture is safe and potentially valuable as an adjunctive holistic therapy to conventional addiction rehabilitation programs. If you are undertaking a rehabilitation program, both traditional whole body acupuncture and auricular acupuncture may be useful to treat problems with substance abuse. Using ear acupuncture in combination with whole body acupuncture may help to relieve withdrawal symptoms and cravings and to improve general relaxation, mental and physical functioning while in rehab therapy. Based on your health assessment and the TCM Diagnosis, we will create a personalized treatment plan for you! For information about where to get help visit the following links. www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/substance-use/get-help/get-help-problematic-substance-use.html Crisis and Help Line Ontario Drug and Alcohol Helpline (24/7) Phone: 1-800-565-8603 Phone: 1-519-439-0174 If you are in an immediate crisis or danger, please call 9-1-1. References https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4822281/ https://academic.oup.com/milmed/article/180/5/582/4161830?login=true http://www.haydenhealth.com/BlogRetrieve.aspx?PostID=661634&A=SearchResult&SearchID=12475935&ObjectID=661634&ObjectType=55
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